Sunday, July 12, 2009

Lecture class this week (14/07/09)

Two things:

(1) This week Digital Media 1 is postponing the face-to-face lecture and replacing it with an online lecture. Please go to this website and go through all the notes and lessons in the module. Also, look up the terms that are stated in the website in other sources on the internet to expand your understanding about the topic.

The topic at hand is Computer Graphics.


If you have any questions, please leave it in the comments or email me. I will be unavailable this week so I will answer any questions or problems about the class or tutorials as I receive them

Tutorials on as usual.

(2) Final Project:

As for the final project, please submit your wikis, group names etc by 14th July, 2009. When you are don with that, start meeting up and start developing the initial proposal and upload them to the WIKIs.

The initial proposal must contain the follow:

Step 1: Initial Proposal content by Week 6
Tutorial group level:- Objective of the entire tutorial group

Each team in the tutorials:- Proposal of each teams in the tutorial group containing the title- Team members and team leader- Objective- Target audience characteristics that have been researched upon (please provide the URL of the researched information) by each teams- References- Minutes of meetings

All must be up in the respective wikis by Lecture time in Week 6 (21/07/09)

Any problems please email me or leave it in the comments

Thank you

Dr. Neo


  1. hye sir..can i ask u about asgmnt 2(personal website). can i know what info that i should be put in my personal website??


  2. usually it is your favourite sites, your family, pictures, friends, even cv. Best to ask your lecturer incharge of the tutorial.

    Dr. Neo
