Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Mid term Quiz

Mid term Quiz (10%)


Digital Technology
Digital Compression
Digital Images
PC Components
Design Principles

Please read:

(a) Your notes taken in class
(b) The reference book (read chapters relating to types of graphics, evolution of the PC and multimedia as well as digital compression)
(c) Online multimedia module (http:// pesona.mmu.edu.my/~tkneo/digital_images/)
(d) And notes in MMLS.

Format of the quiz will mainly be Multiple Choice Questions and short questions.

Structure of the mid-term quiz next week:

Group A, B and C – 5:05 pm – 6pm

Group D, E and H - 6:05 pm – 7 pm

If you have any questions, please let me know through the comments of this post or email me.

Dr. Ken Neo

Monday, August 17, 2009

Self study Tuesday 18/08/09

Due to unforeseen circumstances, class today is shifted to online. Please go to the following web site:


The mid-term will go on next week (25/08/09) as usal. Please look out for my next post on the details of the mid term exam.

Apologies for the last minute post.

Also, see me next week in class (24/08/09)

Group 4 Topic: Sarawak


Dr Ken Neo

Update Comments on Group E

Penang Group - Missing many things: Objectives, Target audience and their characteristics, initial design, references, tasks of members. Please update soon!

Where are your proposals? See me in Tuesday (18/08/09) lecture session!

Group 4 Topic: Sarawak

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Comments on All Groups Wiki

Below are the comments on the wikis of each tutorial group. Here are the common missing points in your initial proposal:

Minutes of meetings. Need to update.
Objectives - some groups are missing them
Target audience and their characteristics
Initial design of the Graphical User interface of the website
Tasks allocation of group members.

Please see the posting below for individual team comments. If I missed any teams, please let me know.

Please update them with latest information, images, references, sketches or designs and other important information on the creation of your website.

To those who have not done the initial proposal, what can I say that I have not said in class. See me!

Thank you and welcome back to the second half of the trimester!

Dr. Neo

Comments on Group A Wiki

Archi5 – Missing objectives, target audience and their characteristics, and initial design. Please update soon.

KL tower – Mostly there. Only missing your group name and initial design. Please don’t forget to add it in the next update.

KLCC – Mostly there. Missing target audience and their characteristics, objectives, and group name. Please update soon.

Future- Missing objectives, target audience and their characteristics, and initial design as well as references. Please update soon.

Science Centre – Mostly there. Missing group name, target audience and their characteristics, initial design and references. Please update soon.

PICC – All in order except missing references. Please don’t forget to add it in the next update.

Putrajaya mosque - All in order except initial design. Please don’t forget to add it in the next update.

Tian Hou Temple – Missing group name, target audience and their characteristics, initial design and job task. Your description of job task is not what is required. Each member must be in charge of creating a link not look for information, gather photos etc. All members must gather information and photos. But you have to assign who does which link in the web site. So no one person does it all. Please update soon!

Comments on Group B Wiki

Kedah – Mostly there. Missing task responsibilities by members, initial design and references. Please update soon!

Malacca - Mostly there. Missing task responsibilities by members, initial design and references. Please update soon!

Pahang - Mostly there. Missing task responsibilities by members, initial design and references. Please update soon!

Penang - Mostly there. Missing task responsibilities by members, initial design and references. Please update soon!

Sarawak - Mostly there. Missing task responsibilities by members, initial design and references. Please update soon!

Selangor - Mostly there. Missing task responsibilities by members, initial design and references. Please update soon!

Terengganu - Mostly there. Missing task responsibilities by members, initial design and references. Please update soon!

Comments on Group C Wiki

Kelisa Coure – Mostly there but only missing initial design. Please don’t forget to add it in the next update.

CM – Mostly there but missing characteristics of target audience and initial design. Please don’t forget to add it in the next update.

Wikidiot – Missing target audience and their characteristics, initial design and job task. Please update soon!

Mekaloba – Missing list of group members and who is group leader. Also, missing initial design and references. Please don’t forget to add it in the next update.

Metal – Mostly there. Missing initial design and references. Please don’t forget to add it in the next update.

Comment on Group D Wiki

Sweet and Juicy – Mostly there. Missing individual tasks, references and initial design. Don’t forget to add it in the next update.

Bread Legend - Mostly there. Missing individual tasks and initial design. Don’t forget to add it in the next update.

Desserties - Mostly there. Missing individual tasks, references and initial design. Don’t forget to add it in the next update.

Moo Moo - Mostly there. Missing objectives, target audience, references and initial design. Please update soon.

Ho Chak – Mostly there. Missing objectives, individual tasks, references and initial design. Don’t forget to add it in the next update.

Yummy Yummy - Mostly there. Missing objectives & individual task. Don’t forget to add it in the next update.

Finding Nemo - Mostly there. Missing objectives. Don’t forget to add it in the next update.

Megalomaniac - Mostly there. Missing references, initial design & individual task. Please update soon.

Gourmet - Mostly there. Missing references, initial design & individual task. Please update soon.

Also most groups are missing their minutes. Please update!

Comments on Group E Wiki

Malacca – Missing group name, objectives, target audience and characteristics, references and initial design. As for your task responsibilities, all members must be in charge of a link.

So you need to re do your tasks responsibility. Edwin, Ruziyatuladibah bt Ishak, Mohamad khairulnizam, Mohamad Thagi, Mohamed Abdul Bari Ahmed, Ismail Abdi Rahman do not have a task at the moment. Each must be in charge of a link on the website and have to find information, sketch and create them in Dreamweaver. Right now, your proposal does not state so. Please update soon!

Terengganu – Missing group name as well as target audience and their characteristics. MMU students not good enough. You must find a target audience that is wider than MMU students and must state their characteristics. Also missing initial design and task assignment to members. Please update soon!

Penang Group - Missing many things: Objectives, Target audience and their characteristics, initial design, references, tasks of members. Please update soon!

Where are your proposals? See me in Tuesday (18/08/09) lecture session!

Group 4
Topic: SarawakA

Comments on Group H Wiki

Festejo – All in order

Fusion- Mostly there. Only missing initial design. Don’t forget to add it in the next update.

Moo Moo- All in order

Ayam Rendang - Mostly there. Only missing initial design. Don’t forget to add it in the next update.

Tangerine – Missing job tasks, initial design, target audience and characteristics and references, please update soon.

Also most groups are missing their minutes and objectives. Please update!